divinity school 神學校。
神學校。 “divinity“ 中文翻譯: n. 1.神性;神力,神威;神德。 2.〔the D-〕 ...“school“ 中文翻譯: n. (魚、鯨等水族動物的)群;隊。 a school ...“church divinity school of the pacific“ 中文翻譯: 太平洋神學院“harvard divinity school“ 中文翻譯: 哈佛大學神學院“divinity“ 中文翻譯: n. 1.神性;神力,神威;神德。 2.〔the D-〕 神,上帝;〔a divinity〕 (異教的)神;天使,神人。 3.神學;(大學的)神學院。 4.神奇,盡善盡美。 Doctor of D- 神學博士〔略作D. D.〕。 the divinity of Beethoven's music 貝多芬樂曲的神奇力量。 “bachelor of divinity“ 中文翻譯: 神學學士; 升壓器分配放大器“beyond divinity“ 中文翻譯: 超越神界; 神界之超越無限; 神界之穿梭者“divine divinity“ 中文翻譯: 超越神界; 神界中文光盤版“divinity calf“ 中文翻譯: (作書籍封面用的)暗褐色小牛皮。 “divinity fudge“ 中文翻譯: 奶油餡蛋糕。 “divinity in motion“ 中文翻譯: 一舉一動似有某種神力“divinity the oversoul“ 中文翻譯: 論超靈“divinity;the oversoul“ 中文翻譯: 論超靈“doctor of divinity“ 中文翻譯: 神學博士“eye of divinity“ 中文翻譯: 神圣之眼“potion of divinity“ 中文翻譯: 神性藥劑“state of divinity“ 中文翻譯: 笑傲江湖“the divinity of christ“ 中文翻譯: 基督的神性“d rod of divinity“ 中文翻譯: 上帝之棒“system of divinity evidence“ 中文翻譯: 神示證據制度“the curse and loss of divinity“ 中文翻譯: 星塵物語“at school“ 中文翻譯: 不管在學校; 在校讀書; 在學校, 在上課, 在求學; 在學校;在上學; 在學校上課“at the school“ 中文翻譯: 在學校里“be at school“ 中文翻譯: 在上學“be in school“ 中文翻譯: 在學校學習
divisibility |
To strengthen the unique identity of the only theological education institution within a chinese public university at present and enhance the collaboration with other seminaries over the world , theology division renamed as divinity school of chung chi college with effect from august 1 , 2004 神學組于二四年八月一日起易名為香港中文大學崇基學院神學院,以強化作為各地華人公立大學中唯一提供神學課程的神學教育機構之角色,并以此身分更廣泛地與世界各地的神學院發展合作關系。 |
In 1968 , the seminary as such had ceased to exist and its function was transferred to the theology division the former name of the divinity school of chung chi college in the reorganized department of philosophy and religion of the chinese university of hong kong , later known as the department of religion in 1978 and restructured to be the department of cultural and religious studies in 2004 所籌建之神學樓,于一九六九年落成啟用,并于二年重修及改建。神學課程及學術水準,均為香港中文大學認可,與其他學系具有同等地位,同受大學之監督,并提供由中文大學頒發之神學及基督教研究學位之課程。 |
Divinity school of chung chi college is at present the only theological education institution within a chinese public university . apart from training pastoral workers , it also aims at raising the level of theologizing of the laity . intellectual development , spiritual formation , community life , individual critical thinking and self - discipline are the quadrilateral of the school 本院乃現時各地華人公立大學中唯一的神學教育機構,故除了訓練教牧人才外,亦為提高一般信徒的神學質素而努力;崇基學院神學院既著重學術訓練,亦重視屬靈氣質之培養;既著重群體生活,亦強調個人獨立思考及自律之重要。 |
In order to meet the challenges of the rapidly changing society , and to cater for the needs of the growing population of students and staff as well as that of modern theological education , the divinity school of chung chi college has been actively and unceasingly seeking ways to enhance its infrastructures , curriculums and resources in the past few years 要辦好一間神學院絕不簡單,先要有深厚的傳統,另要有一流的教學人材,充足的財政資源,和設立獎學金給出色的神學生等,若沒有教會的支持,是絕難成事的。 |
The divinity school of chung chi college , under the theological council , is mainly financed independently by church gifts and funds from the trustees of chung chi college ; but academically , it is a recognized part of the university to offer degree programmes in theology and christian studies 但神學組本身之管理,主要由各合作教會代表組成之神學校董會在崇基學院校董會領導下負責。其經常費不受大學撥款委員會資助,主要由教會各界人士及崇基學院校董會支持。 |
In 1968 the seminary as such had ceased to exist and its function was transferred to the theology division the former name of divinity school of chung chi college in the reorganized department of philosophy and religion , later known as the department of cultural and religious studies 所籌建之神學樓,于一九六九年落成啟用,并于二年重修及改建。神學課程及學術水準,均為香港中文大學認可,并與其他學系具有同等地位,同受大學之監督。 |
B a minimum of three courses , of which two must be chosen from two areas of study other than above , or courses provided by the divinity school approved by the head of graduate division or director of divinity school of chung chi college ( b )選修最少三科,其中兩科須屬所選之專修范圍外另外兩個科目范圍;學生亦可修讀本院開設之其它科目(不超過兩科) ,但必須獲得崇基學院神學院院長或研究院神學學部主任核準。 |
The proposal of constructing a chapel as an extension of the building will provide a chance to solve the problem . thus there are practical and spiritual needs for the school to implement its unrealized plan of building the divinity school chapel 四十年前的崇基學院神學院和三十多年前的神學樓,在西方教會大力支時下建立和興建,今天的崇基學院神學院和有待完成的小圣堂,是我們今天責無旁貸去支持的工作。 |
Divinity school of chung chi college is also a full member of the association for theological education in south east asia and the hong kong theological education association atesea and offers programmes of the south east asia graduate school of theology established by atesea 崇基學院神學院亦為東南亞神學教育協會之會員,并為該會東南亞神學研究院香港分院之成員學院,提供由該院頒發有關學位之課程。 |
The divinity school of chung chi college , under the theological council , is mainly financed independently by church gifts and funds from the trustees of chung chi college ; but academically , it is a recognized part of the university 但神學組本身之管理,主要由各合作教會代表組成之神學校董會在崇基學院校董會領導下負責。其經常費不受大學撥款委員會資助,主要由教會各界人士及崇基學院校董會支持。 |
Any seven courses chosen from at least three different areas of study prescribed in the course list or courses provided by the divinity school approved by the head of graduate division or director of divinity school of chung chi college 于最少三個科目范圍中選修七科。學生亦可修讀本院開設之其它科目(不超過兩科) ,但必須獲得崇基學院神學院院長或研究院神學學部主任核準。 |
Divinity school of chung chi college theology division has been co - organizing a few religious courses with the school of continuing studies of the chinese university quarterly since 1974 . in 1986 , a one - year certificate course in theology was launched 崇基學院神學院(神學組)與中大校外進修學院自一九七四年按季舉辦神學科目,一九八六年春聯合開辦一年制神學證書課程。 |
We anticipate that we will grow to 100 full - time students and 50 part - time students per academic year within the coming decade . the theology division is privately funded theology division has renamed as divinity school of chung chi college since august 1 , 2004 盧牧師這種異象魄力,令我深受感動,雖然在缺乏中,也立定心意,要支持這極富意義的工程,與時代同步。 |
To strengthen the unique identity of the only theological education institution within a chinese public university at present , theology division has renamed as divinity school of chung chi college with effect from august 1 , 2004 為強化作為各地華人公立大學中唯一提供神學課程的神學教育機構之角色,神學組于二四年八月一日起正式易名為中文大學崇基學院神學院。 |
Attending a harvard ceremony not long after giving the divinity school address , he noted in his journal , “ the young people & the mature hint at odium , & aversion of faces to be presently encountered in society 在哈佛神學院做了演講后不久,他參加了哈佛的一個典禮,他在他的日記中寫到: “年輕人和成年人都顯得不耐煩,露出現在社會上可遇上的厭倦的面孔。 |
The churches represented in the theological council are : the anglican church , the church of christ in china hong kong council , the tsung tsin mission , and the methodist church , hong kong . copyright divinity school of 本組之校董會主要由各支持教會之代表所組成,包括香港圣公會,中華基督教會(香港區會) ,基督教香港崇真會,及香港循道衛理聯合教會。 |
With strong religious fervour and determination to pursue the truth , she enrolled in the trinity evangelical divinity school in chicago , us , after she graduated from university , and completed a master of arts programme in new testament studies 由于對真理之追求及宗教熱誠,大學畢業后,進入美國芝加哥三一神學院,修畢圣經新約研究之文學碩士課程。 |
In 2004 , the department of religion expanded to become department of cultural and religious studies dcrs . the theology division , which was part of the religion department , was renamed the divinity school of chung chi college 二四年,中大宗教系擴大為文化及宗教研究系,而宗教系內之神學組亦易名為崇基學院神學院。 |
Final year students are allowed to take post - graduate courses , but endorsement must be obtained from the director of divinity school of chung chi college and the chairman of department of cultural and religious studies 應屆畢業生可修讀研究院科目,但必須獲得崇基學院神學院院長及文化及宗教研究系系主任核準。 |